Time for an Upgrade? 6 Reasons to Add Driveway Pavers to Your Front Entrance in Harrisburg, PA

Time for an Upgrade? 6 Reasons to Add Driveway Pavers to Your Front Entrance in Harrisburg, PA

Driveway pavers can add significant value to your home - but that’s just part of the picture. Adding driveway pavers makes your home more functional, lasting, and beautiful. Your front entry deserves the appeal that only pavers can give. Time for an upgrade? Here are six reasons to add driveway pavers to your front entrance in Harrisburg, PA.

Related: How Modern Driveway Pavers Can Add Elegance to Your Home in Harrisburg, PA

Long-Lasting Beauty

When you choose pavers for your new driveway, you’re making a decision to protect and improve your landscape for the next several decades. Driveway pavers are far stronger than any other commonly used paving material, including poured concrete and asphalt. Driveway pavers won’t be susceptible to the same natural forces that can crack and crumble poured concrete and asphalt driveways during freeze-thaw cycles. While your driveway will see much more heavy-duty use than a walkway or entryway ever will, you can employ the same “set it and forget it” approach for a beautiful entry experience that will last for many decades.

If you’re worried about textured driveway pavers being damaged by slow plows or deicing salts, don’t be. While you’re renovating your driveway and walkway, install a snowmelt system. This will virtually eliminate the need for any snow or ice management. Imagine coming home after a heavy snowfall to a clear and safe driveway and walkway!

Quick Installation

Building a paver surface can be an involved process. Old-school poured concrete walkways and entryways can’t be used immediately. There’s always a waiting period while the concrete cures. Driveway pavers provide a quick installation. Whether you’re renovating just your walkway/entryway or your driveway as well, you can welcome guests the day the pavers are installed!

Visual Appeal

Most driveways are thought of as merely functional elements and they aren’t given much design attention. Walkways and entryways are less of an afterthought, but it’s the combination of a paver driveway and walkway leading up to the front door that will completely transform the look and feel of your home. Your driveway and entryway can be a visual attraction in your landscape just the same as any other masonry structure. You can choose from a huge variety of colors, textures, shapes, and sizes available in driveway pavers. With all these options, there are countless opportunities to create a unique and visually appealing front yard.

Quick and Easy Repair

In the rare case that a driveway paver is damaged (they are extremely tough), you don’t have to replace the entire surface or deal with an unsightly broken paver. Each paver is a small part of a large network of pavers but it can be replaced individually without affecting the rest of the surface.

Improved Traction

When it rains or snows, driveways and walkways can become unsafe in heavy rains, snow, or ice. Solid surfaces such as poured concrete don’t have a way to disperse water as it falls or melts. By contrast, driveways and walkways made with permeable pavers have thousands of individual channels between the units that allow water to seep into the ground rather than remaining on the surface or running off. This improves traction for both cars and pedestrians. Driveway pavers are also often designed with a non-slip texture to further increase safety in poor weather conditions.

Added Value

The aesthetic and practical qualities of driveway pavers will become an attractive quality if you are interested in selling the property. The money you put in towards installing a quality paver driveway and walkway will end up paying off in greater curb appeal. Not only will your driveway and overall landscape and home look more attractive, prospective buyers will be thrilled with the look and the low maintenance.

Related: How to Bring Out the Color Scheme of Driveway Pavers for Your Front Yard in Harrisburg and Hummelstown, PA Areas